The WKF President visited Palestine and the Palestinian Karate Federation in the last days of 2011. He was received in the city of Betlehem by the President of the Palestine Karate Federation, General Mohamed Al Bakry, and following he held a meeting with the leadership of the Federation, after which he met the major of the city of Hebron Mr. Amin Bsharat.
Then in the city of Ramala he was received by the President of the Palestine National Authority Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and finally the President of the Palestine Olympic Committee, Major General Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad Rajoub, offered a dinner; during the dinner the Prime Minister of Palestine Mr. Salam Fayyad paid a visit of courtesy to the WKF President.
from left to right: President Al Bakry, WKF President, Rais Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestine Olympic Committee, Major General Jibril Mahmoud Muhammad Rajoub